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CapShift’s mission is to help financial and philanthropic institutions, along with their clients, mobilize capital for social and environmental change. To advance this mission, we partner with leading donor advised funds, national foundations, and private foundations to help them identify, access, and evaluate impact investments. Key funding and support from the Fink Family Foundation, Heron Foundation, and Omidyar Network helps us ensure that our activities align with our mission.

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We have one goal: to empower under-represented public equity portfolio managers to launch independent firms and at-scale funds. We incubate portfolio managers (who are employees of Expect Equity and have not yet formed their own firms) for three years to enable them to build a track record and develop relationships with institutional allocators with the hope and expectation that they launch independently at the end of the three years.

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FJC –A Foundation of Philanthropic Funds (FJC) is a boutique public charity that offers a diverse menu of philanthropic services to a range of stakeholders. FJC is primarily a platform for Donor Advised Funds (DAFs). In addition to DAF accounts, its over 1,000 accounts include fiscal sponsorships, collective giving accounts, and many other philanthropic vehicles that enable nonprofit organizations and their supporters to achieve their missions. FJC acts as a scaled platform that allows its account holders to focus on mission, rather than be burdened with the details of operations and compliance. Our roles as sponsors of DAFs and fiscal sponsorship organizations situates us as an intermediary between the financial services sector and the nonprofit sector.

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FEG's mission is to "Empower our clients to achieve their goals through superior investment performance, objective insights, and research". We are an independently-owned advisory firm that provides investment consulting, outsourced chief investment officer (OCIO), and research services to predominantly institutional clients, such as university endowments, private and public foundations, community foundations, religious organizations, and healthcare institutions. FEG developed the Responsive Investing Solutions Exchange (RISE), as a partnership with our clients to provide investors seeking both financial and social gains the opportunity to align their portfolios with their own unique goals.

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The Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation supports arts, education, environment, informed communities, and poetry to connect communities and influence social change to achieve an equitable New Jersey.

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Specifically, our mission is to:Close the achievement gap in public education so that all of Hawaii's children, regardless of their socioeconomic background, have access to and benefit from high-quality education, from pre-kindergarten through 12thgrade, that prepares them for a successful future;Restore Hawaii's nearshore marine life populations so that future generations can benefit and learn from this rich natural resource;Build on the strengths of Windward Oahu communities through investments that support the region's rich cultural legacy, its youth and families, and its natural resources; andInvest in a limited number of other unforeseen but compelling opportunities to make a big difference in Hawaii's future.

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The Jewish Community Foundation facilitates social change through philanthropy, investment, education and capacity building to benefit the Jewish and secular communities.

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Lili'uokalani Trust provides opportunities for Hawaiian children to realize their greatest potential - living healthy, joyful, and prosperous lives while contributing positively to their families, communities, and the world. We believe in the resiliency of our Hawaiian children. We advocate and work towards systemic change for their wellbeing and build them pathways to thriving lives. OUR MISSION SPENDING IS SET TO DOUBLE IN THE NEXT DECADE. WE PLAN TO EXPAND UPON OUR CURRENT SERVICE (DIRECT SERVICE AND SMALL PROGRAMS) TO ALSO INCLUDE BROADER SYSTEMS LEVEL CHANGE, PROGRAM RELATED INVESTMENTS, AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. TO THIS END, WE HOPE TO NETWORK WITH OTHER FOUNDATIONS WITH WHOM WE CAN LEARN AND/OR PARTNER WITH ON OUR JOURNEY TOWARDS ENDING THE CYCLE OF POVERTY FOR NATIVE HAWAIIAN FAMILIES

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