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Acansa Investment Management is an investment advisor offering fully Outsourced Chief Investment Officer (OCIO) services and custom investment advisory and impact advisory services to non-profit asset owners, including mission-oriented endowments & foundations, healthcare systems, higher education, and associated entities. Our specialty is providing scale to small-to-mid-sized institutions where aligning assets with organizational mission, financial and non-financial goals is equally important as access to differentiated asset management solutions across public and private asset classes.

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Using nature to nurture, strengthen and heal the soul.

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Adasina’s mission is to provide social justice groups and impact-driven investors with a platform where people, investments, campaigns, and education work together to drive large-scale systemic change.

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Advance Global Capital, Ltd (AGC), is a global impact investment manager that supports responsible and inclusive economic growth in underserved communities worldwide. We specialize in financing invoices for small and medium businesses (SMEs) – the engine of economic growth and job creation and the foundation of resilient local communities. Our mission is to support local, responsible and inclusive economic growth by delivering well-structured financing options that help underserved small businesses thrive.

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Since our beginnings in 2004, Aeris has established risk management standards for private community loan funds (CDFIs) and has helped drive the development of impact measurement and management practices in the CDFI industry—a learning curve now being replicated in the broader impact investment world. In 2013, the Aeris Cloud became the first online platform to help CDFI investors understand the impact and financial performance of their investments. Today, the broader investing field seeks a reliable, high-quality tool to collect, manage, and analyze impact data. Aeris’ unique experience and expertise can help accelerate the pace of impact investing.

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The Ahmanson Foundation, incorporated as a private foundation in the State of California in 1952, was established by financier Howard F. Ahmanson, and his wife Dorothy. Its corpus was augmented in later years by his two nephews Robert H. Ahmanson and William H. Ahmanson. The Foundation’s broad purpose, as stated in the articles of incorporation, is to administer funds for charitable, scientific, educational, literary, and religious purposes, all for the public welfare. Currently the Foundation concentrates its funding on cultural projects supporting the arts, education at the collegiate and pre-collegiate levels, medicine and delivery of health care services, specialized library collections, programs related to homelessness and low-income populations, preservation of the environment, and a wide range of human service projects. The vast majority of the Foundation’s philanthropy is directed toward organizations and institutions based in and serving the greater Los Angeles community. Simultaneously, the Foundation is particularly committed to the support of non-profit organizations and institutions which continually demonstrate sound fiscal management, responsibility to efficient operation, and program integrity. Through such focused interests and shared vision with the non-profit sector the Foundation endeavors to increase the quality of life in Southern California and to enhance its cultural legacy.

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We work to advance health and wellness for the most vulnerable in San Diego and Imperial counties through collaborative funding, convening and advocacy. We believe wellness is a state of complete physical, mental, spiritual, economic and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Society, community, neighborhood and family are collectively responsible for creating an environment of health and wellness. Wellness is personal and is not the same for everyone. Individuals need information and support to make positive choices for a more successful existence. We currently operate a portfolio of five programs: i2 Innovation Initiative—also referred to as “venture philanthropy”—based on the thesis that innovation capital (often high risk, high reward) is needed to transform the current paradigm (high cost and poor outcomes) and improve quality, increase capacity and reduce costs; Mission Support—based on the belief that trusting those closest to our constituents and providing core operating support for great organizations will best advance our mission; Responsive Funding—based on the belief that it is important to be responsive to time-sensitive community needs and opportunities; InvestUp—based on the belief that it is important to actively and strategically be looking for ways to meaningfully advance our mission and it is worth spending some or all of our corpus—beyond the earnings off of our endowment—if we can substantively, sustainably and positively change the dynamics, and Impact Investments—based on the thesis that we can activate our investment portfolio to achieve more positive impact.

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The mission of the Altman Foundation is to support programs and institutions that enrich the quality of life in New York City, with a particular focus on initiatives that help individuals, families, and communities benefit from the services and opportunities that will enable them to achieve their full potential.

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The Social Impact Fund is an early-stage impact investing fund supporting community-based social enterprises with innovative solutions to social and economic barriers to health. The success metrics are accelerating revenue and impact growth of early stage enterprises and having positive social impact in communities in terms of reducing access to healthcare barriers, food and economic insecurity and recidivism. The Fund has deployed $20M in funding such as loans, equity, tailored products, grants, and hybrids to SMEs.

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