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Private Placement Memorandum

A legal document stating the objectives, risks and terms of investment involved with a private placement. This includes items such as the financial statements, management biographies, detailed description of the business, etc. An offering memorandum serves to provide buyers with information on the offering and to protect the sellers from the liability associated with selling unregistered securities.

Proactive Investing

An investing strategy based on anticipating market trends.


The status of a company or fund as for profit or non-profit.

Program Expense

An expense directly related to a program of the organization.

Program-Related Investment (PRIs)

A term of art from Internal Revenue Code Section 4944 that refers to foundation investments (i) the primary purpose of which is to accomplish one or more of the foundation's exempt purposes, (ii) in which production of income or appreciation of property is not a significant purpose, and (iii) influencing legislation or taking part in political campaigns on behalf of candidates is not a purpose. A program-related investment (PRI) can take the form of equity, debt, guarantees, linked deposits, etc., and must be charitable in nature. PRIs are counted toward part of a private foundation’s annual distribution requirement (a 5% minimum). In the event repaid, investment returns are treated as PRIs, but the corpus is added back to the qualifying distribution requirement. Because PRIs are generally expected to be repaid, they can then be recycled into new charitable investments, increasing the leverage of the foundation's distributions.

Promise To Give

A written or oral agreement to contribute cash or other assets to another entity. A promise to give may be either conditional or unconditional.

Promissory Note

A document that evidences the funds that have been borrowed under the credit agreement.

Property, Plant And Equipment

Fixed assets used to house or help conduct the organization's activities, such as buildings, furniture, equipment, land, and natural resources.

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