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We are interested in beginning to use PRI's to enhance our impact in the Pittsburgh region.

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To improve the quality of life in Newaygo County. The Board of Trustees of Fremont Area Community Foundation (Community Foundation) believe the time has come to begin expanding and exploring additional options. We have been discussing how to leverage the power of our endowed assets beyond grant making through the expansion of Program Related Investments (PRIs) and the use of Impact Investing tools.

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Specifically, our mission is to:Close the achievement gap in public education so that all of Hawaii's children, regardless of their socioeconomic background, have access to and benefit from high-quality education, from pre-kindergarten through 12thgrade, that prepares them for a successful future;Restore Hawaii's nearshore marine life populations so that future generations can benefit and learn from this rich natural resource;Build on the strengths of Windward Oahu communities through investments that support the region's rich cultural legacy, its youth and families, and its natural resources; andInvest in a limited number of other unforeseen but compelling opportunities to make a big difference in Hawaii's future.

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A Thriving, Just, Healthy and Equitable Region

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The Hyde Family Foundation is committed to building a better Memphis. Our mission is to empower the people and programs that are making real differences in the community and to provide leadership on public policy issues that will transform Memphis into a world-class, 21st century city.

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SEDF uses investment capital to support the rights and opportunities of marginalized people and communities, often in ways and places that entail significant financial risk. We look to catalyze positive social and economic change, by acting in alignment with allies and partners, reinforced by the strengths and capacities of the Open Society Foundations.

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The Mission of the Zellerbach Family Foundation is to be a catalyst for constructive social change by initiating and investing in efforts that strengthen families and communities.

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