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The Roy and Patricia Disney Family Foundation is centered on building a more just, equitable, and sustainable world in which all people thrive. We pursue this mission through grantmaking and community activities in our key areas, as well as by leveraging our financial resources to positively contribute to social and environmental outcomes. In 2019, the Foundation officially committed to creating a portfolio of mission-related investments that supports positive change in our communities and the field of finance more broadly. This impact investing portfolio consists of both equity and debt holdings and employs a gender, racial, and environmental lens that seeks a financial return and fills the social and environmental gaps often created by traditional investment tactics." More specifically, at this time the foundation is committing 10% of its’ endowment capital to do our part to help catalyze the important and growing field of impact investing. We aim to invest in and with early stage fund managers of color and women managers, deposit cash reserves with community banks and low interest program related investments to address capital challenges of community development financial institutions and grantee partners.

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The world sees the San Francisco Bay Area as the center of innovation and Hawai‘i as a land of paradise. But too many members of our communities, especially people of color and individuals from low-income backgrounds, face systemic barriers and are left out of opportunities in their own backyards. We recognize that the challenges communities face are interconnected and urgent, and we are committed to doing our part. That is why the Stupski Foundation is collaborating with community partners over the next 10 years to invest all of our assets and make the greatest possible change in our communities today.

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