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Since our beginnings in 2004, Aeris has established risk management standards for private community loan funds (CDFIs) and has helped drive the development of impact measurement and management practices in the CDFI industry—a learning curve now being replicated in the broader impact investment world. In 2013, the Aeris Cloud became the first online platform to help CDFI investors understand the impact and financial performance of their investments. Today, the broader investing field seeks a reliable, high-quality tool to collect, manage, and analyze impact data. Aeris’ unique experience and expertise can help accelerate the pace of impact investing.

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BrightEdge is the innovation, impact investment and venture capital arm of the American Cancer Society. Today, our ACS Impact Venture Fund (AIVF) invests in for-profit, early-stage companies developing cutting-edge, cancer-focused therapeutics, diagnostics, devices, and technologies to fuel and accelerate ACS’s mission of ending cancer as we know it, for everyone. 

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FJC –A Foundation of Philanthropic Funds (FJC) is a boutique public charity that offers a diverse menu of philanthropic services to a range of stakeholders. FJC is primarily a platform for Donor Advised Funds (DAFs). In addition to DAF accounts, its over 1,000 accounts include fiscal sponsorships, collective giving accounts, and many other philanthropic vehicles that enable nonprofit organizations and their supporters to achieve their missions. FJC acts as a scaled platform that allows its account holders to focus on mission, rather than be burdened with the details of operations and compliance. Our roles as sponsors of DAFs and fiscal sponsorship organizations situates us as an intermediary between the financial services sector and the nonprofit sector.

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We provide accessible equitable evaluation that enables you to create measurable and sustainable transformative social impact. We work with investors who want to make a positive social impact on the world in addition to making a financial return on their investment. Whether you plan to build your investment thesis, design an equitable screening process, conduct culturally responsive due diligence, or measure social impact post-investment, we can help you apply an equity lens to your investment.

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