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Catalytic Capital: Sierra Club Foundation's Approach

Through its catalytic capital portfolio, Sierra Club Foundation invests a portion of its assets in climate solutions that also advance racial and economic justice. This portfolio strives to preserve capital and prioritizes opportunities for investments to be catalytic by providing early stage capital and investing in under resourced communities. The catalytic capital portfolio is intended to catalyze additional investment by helping to de-risk, blend capital with a range of other types of capital, and maximize community control over projects to achieve at least one of the following goals:
  • deploy and scale clean energy, energy storage, and energy efficiency solutions for under resourced populations
  • enhance equitable and just access to affordable clean energy or other climate solutions
  • create good jobs, especially in under resourced communities, to support the transition to a low carbon economy
  • support natural systems solutions that effectively take carbon out of the atmosphere
MIE members can log in to view Sierra Club Foundation's 2021 catalytic capital fund policy.

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