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Sierra Club Foundation
The Sierra Club Foundation (SCF) promotes efforts to educate and empower people to protect and improve the natural and human environment. SCF supports climate solutions, conservation, and movement-building through a powerful combination of strategic philanthropy and grassroots advocacy rooted in equity, justice, and inclusion. As the fiscal sponsor of the charitable programs of the Sierra Club, we provide resources to it and other nonprofit organizations to support scientific, educational, advocacy, and legal programs that further our goals. We believe our fiduciary duty is not limited solely to the prudent oversight and investment of our assets, but includes a responsibility to manage and deploy those assets in a manner consistent with our mission and values. SCF was one of the initial signers to the Divest-Invest Philanthropy Initiative and has since moved beyond divestment to focus on a low carbon and climate solutions investment strategy. We also aim to utilize impact investing to empower communities with the resources, systems, and technologies needed to implement and scale equitable clean energy solutions, ensure access to clean air and clean water, protect natural resources, and improve resiliency and ability to adapt to climate change.
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