Endowment Investing

The urgent and overlapping challenges we are faced with in our current moment require us to reexamine how we engage with the capital markets and the role that impact investing can play in addressing these crises. Increasingly, foundations are taking stock of their resources, including their endowments, and reflecting on innovative and bold ways to deploy them.

But what does investing from the endowment actually mean, and what difference does it make? This evolving resource library explores Mission-Related Investments (MRIs), a tool used by foundations to place more — or all — of their assets in service of mission or impact.

Read on for key questions, strategies, perspectives, and resources intended to guide foundations on their path to using MRIs. 
This library is growing! If you have any feedback or additional MRI-related resources to share, please contact us at [email protected]
The Latest From Endowment Investing
Learning the Basics

Understand what MRIs are, how organizations can use them, and the impact potential of MRIs.

Getting Started

Explore these practical tools to guide you through the various stages of your MRI journey.

Foundation Journeys

Learn how leading foundations are aligning their assets with their mission through MRIs.

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