Programs & Events

Virtual Learning Opportunity: The Purpose of Capital

Members Only Webinar: Log In To View A Recording!

Foundation executives, asset owners and those in whom we invest are focused on creating the most effective strategies, defining our work, measuring our performance and deploying capital to promising organizations. But what if by focusing on “the How?” we have neglected the more critical question of “Why?”.  Many of us assume we share the same goals, understanding of challenges and common vision—yet what if our assumptions are wrong? In his latest book, The Purpose of Capital: Elements of Impact, Financial Flows and Natural Being, Jed Emerson argues that by rushing to the answers we may be missing the true implications of the questions that matter to us.
In this 45-minute Virtual Learning Opportunity for MIE members, the second in our Virtual Learning Opportunity series, Jed Emerson of Blended Value Group will be in dialogue with Crystal Hayling of The Libra Foundation to discuss the themes of the book.
Join Mission Investors Exchange, Jed Emerson, and Crystal Hayling on Wednesday, February 11, 2019 at 3 PM ET for this Virtual Learning Opportunity. Members, log in to view the webinar registration link. If you have any questions, or challenges logging in, please contact [email protected].

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