Programs & Events

Virtual Learning Opportunity: Blended Finance: Lessons from Latin America and the Caribbean

The 2030 agenda is calling for a more active role from the private sector to overcome the world’s most pressing challenges. The current financing gap to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is estimated to stand at US$ 2.5 trillion annually, and traditional development financing instruments and sources are not enough to meet this demand. For this reason, both the public and the private sector have to innovate to channel greater capital into this gap. Development Finance Institutions like the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) are taking early steps to innovate through blended finance instruments that can help unlock catalytic private sector investments towards the SDGs. Currently, the IDB manages more than US$ 800 million in blended finance resources for projects in Latin America and the Caribbean region (LAC).
In this 45-minute Virtual Learning Opportunity for MIE members, the fourth in our Virtual Learning Opportunity series, Maria Garcia, Lead Operations Specialist, Resource Mobilization Division, and Matthieu Pegon, Head of Blended Finance, IDB Invest, will share key learnings about blended finance, including sources and methods, keys to success, and lessons learned. Attendees will also hear about successful implementations of blended finance instruments across sectors and geographies in LAC. 
Members, log in to view the webinar recording.; If you have any questions, or challenges logging in, please contact [email protected].

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