Programs & Events

Virtual Learning Opportunity: The Biden Presidency: A New Era for ESG Investing?

Members Only Webinar: Log In To View A Recording!

Join Glenmede and the Investment Company Institute for a 45-minute Virtual Learning Opportunity (VLO) exploring the implications of an administration led by President-Elect Joseph R. Biden for Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) investing. As we approach the January 20th inauguration, participants will learn how the Biden administration has initially indicated they may treat key issues around sustainable investing — including climate change, diversity and inclusion, and shareholder engagement.
  • Julia Enyart, Vice President of Sustainable & Impact Investing, Glenmede 
  • Kathleen Mellody, Senior Government Affairs Officer, Investment Company Institute
MIE members, log in to view this VLO. If you have any questions, or challenges accessing the registration information, please contact Karla Moreno at [email protected].
This Virtual Learning Opportunity is part of an Impact Investing and Public Policy Series, presented in partnership with The U.S. Impact Investing Alliance, Opportunity Finance Network, Urban Institute, U.S. Economic Development Administration, and the Council on Foundations. Click here to view all events in the series.

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