Programs & Events


Held in San Francisco, SOCAP18 will convene innovators in finance, entrepreneurship, business, government, and philanthropy from across social and environmental issue areas to accelerate the market at the intersection of money and meaning. Mission Investors Exchange is thrilled to be organizing two sessions within the Racial Equity, Inclusion and Diversity track. We also held a Member Appreciation Gathering on Tuesday, October 23rd for all MIE members at SOCAP. 

Member Appreciation Gathering

Tuesday, October 23rd, 6-7:30PM PDT

MIE hosted a Member Appreciation Gathering at SOCAP. MIE members attending SOCAP, members based in the Bay Area, and speakers from SOCAP's Racial Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity track came together at the San Francisco Art Institute at Fort Mason for an evening of conversations centered around their work in impact investing.

Moving to Action on Racial Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity: Insights from Philanthropic Leaders

Wednesday, October 24th, at 9:15 AM PDT
This main stage fireside chat took place on Wednesday, October 24th, and featured a conversation on how philanthropy can serve an intentional leadership role in ensuring that racial equity is at heart of the impact investing movement, while developing and amplifying public dialogue to foster change. 
Speakers: Sharon Alpert, Nathan Cummings Foundation; Fred Blackwell, The San Francisco Foundation.


Investment Forum: How Commitments to Racial Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity Show Up in Practice

Thursday, October 25th, from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM PDT
This fast-paced MIE signature session on Thursday, October 25th brought together investor-investee pairs to highlight deals from foundations actively integrating racial equity, inclusion and diversity into their practice. 
Speakers: Erin Harkless, Cambridge Associates; Andrew Brower, W.K. Kellogg Foundation; Ray Waters, Detroit Development Fund; Sayer Jones, Meyer Memorial Trust; Nitin Rai, Elevate Capital; Elizabeth Garlow, Lumina Foundation; Melvin Hines, Upswing; Daryl Shore, Prudential Financial.

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