Programs & Events

Shutting Down Forced Labor: The Investor's Role

Slavery is outlawed throughout the world, yet an estimated 25 million children and adults are still victimized as forced laborers. Modern slavery particularly affects the supply chains of the Apparel & Footwear, Information & Communications Technology, and Food & Beverage industries, but no industry is immune. Sustainable and impact investors, who have long called on companies to respect human rights throughout their supply chains, now have a growing number of investment options available to mitigate the tragedy of forced labor.
Join a Cornerstone Capital's webinar featuring leading experts as we discuss the implications of human trafficking and forced labor for global investors. The panel will discuss:
  • how and why supply chains are affected by forced labor; 
  • risks for investors related to lack of respect for labor and human rights;
  • investment strategies to combat these practices; and
  • options for interested investors

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