Programs & Events

Open Mic: The Urgency of Connectivity: Investing in Broadband in the Face of the Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed more clearly the severe inequity of connectivity in rural, Indigenous communities, and economically challenged urban areas in the U.S. In the face of social, environmental and health challenges, access to remote education, telemedicine, and adequate bandwidth for emerging entrepreneurs must be top priority. Join this informal Open Mic conversation to learn and reveal the questions foundations should be asking and to whom; plan a course of action for philanthropic investor engagement and further programming; and crowd-source existing successes as models to build on moving forward.
The Open Mic will be followed by an optional, half-hour breakout to allow separate conversations for those interested in urban, rural areas and in specifically Indigenous communities — sometimes referred to as Indian Country. 
1 PM ET: Zoom line open for mingling
1:15 PM ET: Open Mic begins
2:30-3PM ET: Open Mic breakout rooms (Optional)
Open Mics are lightly structured, webcam-enabled calls for MIE members to come together and discuss ideas and opportunities to create impact. Intended to be flexible, Open Mics embody the goal of mobilizing with urgency, employing a simple concept:
  • What ideas, projects, or resources exist within the MIE community — and how can we help each other respond to urgent crises?
  • How can we work quickly to bring together a variety of voices, investment opportunities, and best practices in an action-oriented conversation?
Note that this event is for educational purposes only. MIE does not recommend specific investments and is not a registered investment adviser.
MIE members, log in to sign up for the Open Mic. Please join with your webcam if possible! Contact Melanie Audette at [email protected] with questions.

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