Programs & Events

Open Mic: Growing Good Jobs in Rural Regions with Mission-Driven Venture Capital

Join us for an Open Mic conversation on Wednesday, February 2, 2022 at 2:30-4PM ET to explore quality employment in rural regions.
The U.S. economy is almost four million jobs short of non-farm employment than where it was before COVID-19. Without access to capital, many non-farm jobs in rural areas won’t be replaced at a rate that is needed long-term in order to maintain equitable and sustainable communities. This conversation will explore how foundations are thoughtfully making venture investments to advance their mission, how investors can assess opportunities in rural regions that advance equity, and how intermediaries can work with companies to support and improve the quality of jobs in ways that also contribute to company success and worker livelihoods.
Open Mics are lightly structured, webcam-enabled calls for MIE members to come together and discuss ideas and opportunities to create impact. Intended to be flexible, Open Mics embody the goal of mobilizing with urgency, employing a simple concept:
  • What ideas, projects, or resources exist within the MIE community — and how can we help each other respond to urgent crises?
  • How can we work quickly to bring together a variety of voices, investment opportunities, and best practices in an action-oriented conversation?
MIE members, log in to register for this Open Mic. If you have questions or challenges accessing registration, please contact Zineb Touzani at [email protected].

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