Programs & Events

Open Mic: Communicating About Your Foundation's Impact Investing Program

In the early days of mission investing, impact investing folks would jokingly remark that at their foundations they felt like "a platypus in a pond full of ducks" — i.e., not many people understood what a impact investment team really did. A little over two decades later, impact investing is more widespread but there are still unique challenges in communicating the activities and impact of foundation impact investing programs to a variety of internal and external audiences — including foundation peers, the press, and the board of directors.
Join our conversation leads below along with communications peers from foundations across the country to share your challenges, experiences, and strategies regarding how to communicate about your foundation's impact investing program. In the spirit of MIE’s Open Mics, we will enjoy an informal and highly interactive conversation so come prepared with your questions!
Conversation Leads
  • Paul Bachleitner, Northwest Area Foundation
  • Krista A. Jahnke, Kresge Foundation
  • Candice Wynter, Nathan Cummings Foundation
Communications professionals are encouraged to attend but all MIE members are welcome — please log in for a link to register and contact Zineb Touzani at [email protected] if you have any questions or challenges related to registration. If your organization is not a member of MIE and you would like an invitation, please email Zineb.

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