Programs & Events

NCIF 2021 Virtual Conference: Reimagining Mission-Oriented Banking

This virtual event hosted by the National Community Investment Fund offers four days of content where key industry experts and leaders will share experiences, perspectives, and actionable strategies that support sustainable, long-term change and growth in the mission-oriented banking sector and economic development in underserved and low-income communities.
WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Professionals and organizations who are stakeholders in the mission-oriented banking industry and support economic development of disadvantaged, underserved communities, including:
  • Executive management teams at community/mission-focused banks and organizations (CEOs, CFOs, COOs, CLOs, CCOs, CROs, and community development/CRA officers)
  • Boards of directors
  • Bank and ESG investors and lenders
  • Foundations and nonprofit executives
  • NMTC consultants, investors, lenders, and professionals
  • Advisors to community banks including consulting, finance, investment banking, IT, legal, lending, and strategy advisors
  • Banking and community development regulators
  • Academia and researchers

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