Programs & Events

Virtual Screening and Conversation: The Moment Was Now

Join Mission Investors Exchange on September 15 at 3-5:15PM ET for a virtual screening and conversation on The Moment Was Now, an award-winning musical on the Reconstruction era.
Staged in Baltimore in 2019 and early 2020, The Moment Was Now captures the striking parallels between Reconstruction and current movements for justice triggered by the pandemic and its tragic effects on lives and livelihoods as well as the economy, the unfolding threats to full civic participation in both the census and our democracy, and the widespread crackdowns on peaceful protests against racially motivated police brutality.
After the screening, attendees will join Gene Bruskin, playwright, and Darryl! Moch, director, and the MIE team in a conversation about the film, reflecting on the lessons from our past that can inspire us to create a more just future.
This event is free and open to the public, but registration is required. See below for a link to register, and contact Monique Aiken at [email protected] with questions.

The Moment Was Now Short Trailer

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