Programs & Events

MIE’s Communications Interest Group Winter Gathering: How Communicators Can Successfully Build Internal and External Partnerships to Support Impact Investing Goals

Join us for our winter Mission Investors Exchange (MIE) Communications Interest Group gathering from 1-2 p.m. ET Feb. 29 where we will explore the art of building impactful partnerships internally and externally. Hear from peers regarding how strategic communicators can maximize their role by forging strong collaborations and by leveraging their skills to help institutions attract external partnerships.
Conversation Sparks:
Communications Director, Northwest Area Foundation, Paul Bachleitner
Communications Manager, New York Foundation, Maggie Colgan
Director of Marketing and Communications, MIT Solve, Bridget Weiler
Key Topics:
  • Internal Alchemy: Discuss proven strategies and structures to align communication efforts with internal stakeholders, fostering a culture of collaboration that amplifies your organization's mission.
  • External Alliances: Explore the role of communication professionals in attracting external investment partnerships. Uncover techniques to communicate your organization's values, impact, and potential for investment and co-investment in a compelling way.
  • Collaborative Narratives: Discuss the art of crafting narratives that resonate both internally and externally, ensuring a cohesive and authentic story that captivates audiences and attracts mission-aligned investors.
  • Measuring Impact: Dive into effective metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) for communications professionals, demonstrating the tangible value they bring to both internal teams and external investors.
Don't miss this opportunity to reflect upon and enhance your communication skills in support of your organization's mission. Members will also have an opportunity to briefly discuss and prepare for a Communications Interest Group networking session at the MIE 2024 National Conference May 7-9 in Los Angeles.

About Communications Professionals Gatherings:

MIE's Communications Interest Group is a platform for communications-oriented professionals to gather, build community, exchange resources, and have productive discussions that leverage our collective talents to continue building the field of impact investing. Led by Jennifer Trivelli, MIE's Senior Director of Communications and Marketing, each gathering is informal as we connect, exchange information and learn together. All are welcome, but the discussions are geared for communications, marketing, and creative professionals, broadly defined. If there's a topic you would like to hear more about, please send your suggestion(s) to Jennifer Trivelli at [email protected].


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