Programs & Events

MIE’s Communications Interest Group: AI in Impact Investing Content

June 27, 1-2 p.m. ET

Join us for an engaging discussion on the transformative potential of generative artificial intelligence (AI) in impact investing communications, marketing, and content creation. This event will provide valuable insight on how AI can enhance messaging, streamline content production, and amplify impact. Attendees will have the opportunity to network, share experiences, and learn from industry leaders about the latest in AI technologies, ethics, and best practices. Whether you're an AI novice or an experienced practitioner, this meeting promises to provide knowledge and inspiration to elevate your impact investing marketing and communications efforts. Optional: Come prepared with your favorite AI tool or trick to share with the group!

Sparks include:

  • Nicole DeCario, Director, AI & Society, Allen Institute for AI (AI2)
  • Robert Rose,  CEO and Chief Strategy Officer, The Content Advisory
  • Jennifer Trivelli, Senior Director, Communications and Marketing, Mission Investors Exchange (moderator)

About MIE's Communications Interest Group:

MIE's Communications Interest Group is a platform for communications-oriented professionals to gather, build community, exchange resources, and have productive discussions that leverage our collective talents to continue building the field of impact investing. Each gathering is informal as we connect, exchange information, and learn together. All are welcome, but the discussions are geared for communications, marketing, and creative professionals, broadly defined. If there's a topic you would like to hear more about, please send your suggestion(s) to Jennifer Trivelli at [email protected].

MIE members will need to log in to register. If you are having trouble with logging in, please contact Madeline Kraft at [email protected]. If you are not a member of MIE and would like to attend, please inquire at [email protected]. Being on-camera and fully engaged is encouraged. Our gatherings are not recorded due to the community-building and informal nature of the calls.


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