Programs & Events

MIE’s Communications Interest Group Gathering: Planning for Conference and Beyond

Join us for a virtual gathering of MIE’s Communications Interest Group on Thursday, Sept. 28, 2023, from 1-2 PM ET. Hosted by MIE’s new Senior Director of Communications & Marketing, Jennifer Trivelli, members will gain a sneak peek at MIE’s 2024 National Conference communications and PR planning as well as discuss opportunities to work together on this major field-building initiative. Join in to co-create and renew group objectives and explore opportunities for collective growth, success and impact.
This gathering is meant to provide a space for MIE members and invited guests to build community, exchange resources, and engage in productive discussions. The camera-enabled call will be informal and interactive. All participants are encouraged to come prepared to participate, share, learn, and even have a bit of fun in the process!
MIE members should log in to register. If you are not a member of MIE and would like to attend, please inquire at [email protected]. If you have any questions regarding the content of this gathering, please email Jennifer Trivelli.


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