Programs & Events

Impact PHL: Total Impact Summit '25

Total Impact Summit ‘25 will provide the opportunity to educate yourself, connect with community, and - most importantly - become equipped with the resources you need to start or take the next step in aligning your investments with your values and deploying capital into place-based solutions. Our two-days will explore the following thematic areas:
  • Thriving Communities
    What does it take for communities to thrive? From health and housing to creative expression and economic justice, explore investment models that are moving capital in response to community needs, driving value and well-being forward.
  • Resilient Places
    What does it take for local towns, cities, and regions to build resiliency? From robust infrastructure to climate preparedness, social plurality to a strong local economy, understand case studies and best practices for effective local investment. 
  • Regenerative Environments
    What does it take to regenerate our environment at micro and macro scales? From carbon sequestration to biodiversity, land sovereignty to food and water systems, hear from community and finance leaders on how assets must quickly and boldly shift.
  • Balanced Wealth
    How do we effectively address wealth injustices and inequalities preventing a healthy economy and communities? Understanding wealth supremacy to effective policy change, catalytic capital to cooperative ownership — learn from seasoned pioneering practitioners who are reimagining how we invest today to balance future wealth.
  • Impact Investment Pathways
    How do we create, shape, and navigate the many diverse pathways it will take to achieve positive impact outcomes across people, planet, and place? From ESG to private investment, integrated capital and innovative investment models, let’s center those most proximate to the challenges and solutions to identify the path ahead.

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