Programs & Events

Impact Investing: A Tool to Support Economic Mobility and Community Wealth Building

Confronting racial bias in asset building philanthropy is an important step toward realizing economic justice. By intentionally adopting race-conscious grant making, asset funders can better fulfill their missions and help advance a more fair and equitable economy that benefits everyone. How can funders move beyond the minimum 5% requirement of annual grant making and activate the entire foundation to support economic mobility and wealth building strategies in our communities?
Join us, in partnership with the Carolinas Asset Funders Network, as we continue to activate AFN’s interactive funder primer, On the Road to Racial and Economic Justice: Essential Questions to Address Racial Bias in Asset Building Philanthropy.

Together we will:
  • Continue to build a shared language and systems-level change framework to facilitate strategies for operationalizing race-conscious grantmaking and impact investments;
  • Inspire funders to come together with their colleagues, community partners, and other funders to support economic mobility and community wealth building strategies; and
  • Cultivate a collaborative regional funder table and lift up regional partnership opportunities to increase capital and coaching to support economic inclusion strategies in the Carolinas.

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