Programs & Events

Changing the Decision Makers — More Voices at the Table

Open to all MIE members, this conversation is a follow up to a MIE 2020 National Conference session from May 7 that was dedicated to co-learning in realtime, using the Open Space Technology (OST) facilitation methodology to crowdsource the collective wisdom of participants. This conversation will focus on the ways that impact investors and others in the ecosystem can mobilize to end income and wealth inequality. The goal of this gathering is to extend the dialogue started at the Conference, particularly looking at inclusiveness as a pathway to narrowing these income and wealth gaps. Read on to learn more about what the conversation will cover and log in for a link to register. Attendees should come prepared for a highly participatory discussion and expect to continue the engagement in subsequent convenings in the months ahead.
What are our tables as actors in the impact investing ecosystem? Boards? Staff? Portfolios? And who is at these tables? Do they represent the world we live in or are they homogeneous in ways that do not reflect our stated intentions around anti-racism? How do we create tables that are more inclusive, at which folks want to be present, in light of the power dynamics inherent in our transactional relationships? In this follow-up conversation to the May 7 Open Space Technology session, we will both recap the discussion held that day and continue the brainstorm to shed light on the norms and ways of work that do not serve the inclusion we seek. We will consider what actionable steps we can take inside and outside our organizations individually, as well as the field level shifts that are needed to deliver on shared goals to reduce income inequality.
MIE members, log in to view a link to register and to view a report summarizing the discussion from the original OST session that took place on May 7, 2020 at the MIE National Conference. If you have any questions, or challenges accessing the registration information, please contact Karla Moreno at [email protected].
Conversation Champion
  • Cindy Willard, The Denver Foundation

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