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PRI Pulse: A Study of Minnesota Foundation PRIs 1998-2016

The PRI Pulse is an ambitious research project undertaken by Venn Foundation to learn how Minnesota private foundations have historically used Program-Related Investments (PRIs) from 1998 to 2016.
Findings from the research include:
  • PRI activity was higher than many expected, but overall PRIs clearly remain underutilized. 
  • From 1998 to 2016, 39 Minnesota private foundations invested over $164 million in 554 PRIs. 
  • Each year, on average, 11 Minnesota private foundations invested $8.7 million in 29 PRIs. 
  • Most PRI activity was conducted by a very small group of Minnesota private foundations. 
  • PRIs comprise a tiny fraction of all private foundation charitable distributions in Minnesota and of overall charitable giving in the state. 
  • Private foundations in Greater Minnesota conducted a disproportionate share of PRI activity. 
  • The top three issue areas for PRIs were economic development, human services, and education. 

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