Place-Based Investing Done Right: View A Recording From the MIE 2020 National Conference
Mission-driven investors know that responsible development — from addressing structural racism, to building affordable housing, to helping families build assets — is integral to community resilience through times of crisis. Yet time and again, market forces, policies, and other factors work at odds with the best intentions. The result is displacement, under-investment, and harmful development that can tear our social fabric even in prosperous times.
Today, decades of inequity are visible in stark relief as communities facing structural barriers disproportionately experience the effects of COVID-19. Watch the conversation below — which took place at Amplifying Impact, the MIE 2020 National Conference — to hear from leaders in place-based investing as they change practices and mindsets, to address needs today and build a better future tomorrow.
Wayne Ducheneaux, Native Governance Center
Don Chen, Surdna Foundation
Lisa Hamilton, The Annie E. Casey Foundation
Alicia Philipp, Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta
The Honorable Stacey Abrams, Fair Fight
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