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Outcomes that Matter: The Nathan Cummings Foundation Impact Report 2023

In this report learn about the steps that The Nathan Cummings Foundation is taking towards impact. In the report look forward to reading about:
  • Details on how they're implementing the board’s bold decision to invest 100 percent of our endowment assets for mission-aligned impact
  • Clarity on what areas of work they are now funding as part of their exclusive focus on advancing racial, economic, and environmental justice (REEJ)
  • Infographics showing how they allocated all of their grants last year, including the racial and gender makeup of their grantee partners’ leadership teams
  • Information on their new $22 million program-related investment (PRI) portfolio
  • Results of the four shareholder proposals they filed during the 2023 proxy season
  • Case studies on three ways they recently used the totality of their assets (e.g., shareholder activism, impact investments, PRIs, grants, and strategic communications) to advance people-centered impact

Learn more about the report.

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