Tools & Resources

Engaging Immigrants as Investors

According to Calvert Impact Capital, one-fifth of the world's immigrant population lives in the U.S. — over 43.7 million people, representing about 14% of the population. Many of these people come to the U.S. in search of greater economic opportunity and build wealth in their lifetimes and across generations while contributing to the economy as consumers, workers, and investors. Research also suggests that high net-worth donors of color, including immigrants, are generous and philanthropically engaged but remain comparatively absent as members of organized donor networks — thus invisible to mainstream philanthropy and one another. Supporters of impact investing and the needs of immigrants, refugees, and migrants are asking how new Americans may support change in their communities and countries of origin. See below for an evolving list of projects.

  • Calvert Impact Capital: By working with U.S.-based investors who have strong roots in the U.S. as well their country of heritage, Calvert Impact Capital provides a gateway for immigrants to strengthen communities through investment and wealth creation. Through their Community Investment Note, they offer immigrants from Latin American and India - two of the world's largest recipients of remittances - the chance to invest in organizations and projects that support their communities of heritage. 
  • #ParteDeLaSolution: Latino Community Credit Union, Univision, Fusion, Calvert Foundation, and Kiva announced this campaign to help Latino communities become financial agents of change. #ParteDeLaSolution focuses on online opportunities for individuals to explore the different financial tools available to them, such as the options to Invest, Lend and Save for social good that benefit Latino communities.

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