
The Mission Investing Institute and Action Cohorts (The Institute) was a six-month virtual learning program presented by Mission Investors Exchange in partnership with the National Center for Family Philanthropy and Philanthropy California. This learning opportunity aimed to deepen knowledge in impact investing, build relationships with leaders in philanthropy, and provide practical tools to implement an effective impact investing strategy. Beginning October 19, 2021, The Institute was designed to help philanthropy professionals gain exposure to approaches to help them get started in impact investing and advance their practice. 
Through a core curriculum, supplemented with three small group cohorts, participants heard from industry peers, applied the learnings with fellow philanthropy and finance professionals, and learned from seasoned investors in the field. Learning Sessions covered topics including, but not limited to:
  • Introduction to Impact Investing & the Spectrum of Capital
  • The Equity Imperative
  • Governance & Program Design
  • Activating your Portfolio for Impact
  • Impact Measurement, Management & Reporting
  • Investment Across Asset Classes
  • Pipeline & Diligence
  • Resources & Implementation (cohorts focus)
For additional information, please see the Learning Sessions and Action Cohorts tabs. And click here for MIE's summary of the Institute, including key takeaways and reflections from participants.

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