Opening Plenary — All in for Equity: Activating the Entire Foundation

Opening Plenary Session — All in for Equity: Activating the Entire Foundation | MIE's 2022 National Conference


December 5, 2022
How can foundations heed the urgent call to address the disproportionate burden of the pandemic and the threat of economic recession on communities who have historically faced discrimination?
Our first plenary panel focuses on the importance of examining all aspects of foundation operations and impact investing strategies through a racial equity lens, calling on all of us to challenge and refine assumptions and current practices. Featuring Judy Belk, The California Wellness Foundation; Lisa Hamilton, The Annie E. Casey Foundation; Sherece West-Scantlebury, Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation; Amoretta Morris, Borealis Philanthropy (moderator).
Learn more about the conference here.

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