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2019 Innovator Cohort Application

Innovations in Healthcare is accepting referrals and nominations for its Innovator Cohort until August 31st.
Innovations in Healthcare is a non-profit organization hosted by Duke University that supports a global network of 82 growth stage healthcare innovators operating in over 70 countries. Innovators in their network are scaling their social impact by increasing access, improving quality, and reducing the overall cost of healthcare.
Innovations in Healthcare supports innovators in various areas, one of which includes facilitated connections to their network of ecosystem supporters and influencers. Other engagement areas include mentoring, peer learning opportunities, educational workshops, and promotional support from Innovations in Healthcare and its co-founding organizations –McKinsey & Company, the World Economic Forum, and Duke Health.
There is no charge for membership and the support Innovations in Healthcare has provided over the years has resulted in over 90% of their innovators reporting growth since joining, 70% that have expanded product and service offerings, and 40% that have expanded into new regions.

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