Code of Conduct
Mission Investors Exchange (MIE) foundation and affiliate members as well as all attendees to our events must promote the highest standards of ethical behavior in their interactions with each other. By becoming an MIE member or attending an MIE event in any capacity, you agree to uphold the following principles:
- Interact respectfully, kindly, and with understanding at all times and in all communication formats.
- Promote an educational environment, and refrain from marketing products or services and/or solicitation of any kind.
- Communicate directly and promptly with MIE regarding any conflicts of interest that might diminish MIE’s ability to ensure an unrestricted educational environment.
- Acknowledge that the intention of MIE-hosted programs and events is educational, and although investments may be discussed and presented, such investments are not endorsed by MIE in any way.
Acknowledge that all materials presented by MIE are for educational purposes only, and acknowledge that MIE does not solicit, offer, or sell securities, or provide investment advice or recommendations to purchase or sell securities.
Agree that the defining function of MIE is to share knowledge about program-related investments, mission-related investments, and other forms of the impact investing in furtherance of increasingly effective philanthropy, and agree that MIE bears no responsibility for any outcomes resulting from the application of information shared between members, affiliates, and/or event attendees.
Maintain an environment in which all participants can freely share information and, where indicated, agree to maintain the confidentiality of information received through MIE in all in-person and online formats. This includes taking steps to maintain digital privacy, such as not sharing passwords or emails.
MIE reserves the right to restrict the participation of any member or other event attendee who does not fully uphold these principles.